PlayStation 2Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Tags: Star Wars
text icon icon+ list |
▪ Anakin Skywalker
▪ Battle Droids
▪ Ben Kenobi
▪ Cin Drallig
▪ Clone Assassin
▪ Clone Blaze Trooper
▪ Clone Commander
▪ Clone Troopers
▪ Commander Cody
▪ Count Dooku
▪ Darth Vader
▪ Flying Battle Droids
▪ General Grevious
▪ Grevious' Bodyguard
▪ Jedi Brute
▪ Jedi Leader
▪ Jedi Padawan
▪ Jedi Pilot
▪ Jedi Sniper
▪ Mace Windu
▪ Neimoidian Brute
▪ Neimoidian Guard
▪ Neimoidian Guard
▪ Neimoidian Sniper
▪ Obi-Wan Kenobi
▪ Padawan (Female)
▪ Serra Keto
▪ Yoda