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Weekly update: 01/28/2010
Weekly Update

Posted by Grim 14 years ago
in #weekly-update - comments





Hello again. Gonna be pretty busy for a while (education and all that) but I'll try to do updates once or twice a week.

New files: 13
Boss Stage
Konoha Background
Skull Wraith
The Blue Knight
The Golden Magician
Water Jinn
Weekly update: 01/24/2010
Weekly Update

Posted by Grim 14 years ago
in #weekly-update - comments





Here it is folks, a big project I've been working on for months. We now have custom made thumbnail images for every sprite and background on the site. For now it only works in GAME view. Load up any game's page and you'll see some buttons that let you change your settings. Text view is still the default because that's how we roll. That, and I don't want to make any heads explode. Notice how even in thumbnail view, your old friend ctrl+f is as useful as ever.

Back from checking it out yet? Yes, it IS exactly like the icon / text view our friends at The Spriter's Resource have. But if you must accuse me of ripping them off, recall that SDB had TSR-ripoff thumbnails all the way back in 2005! Little late to be calling me on it now, SUCKERS. *smoke bomb*

Ahem. Anyway, this is a feature I'm sure a lot of people wanted. Obviously in a typical gallery-style website for photographs or whatever, you can just resize the image and that's a thumbnail. For a sprite sheet, that's pointless. So thus we have hand made preview icons which preview for you (as best as 100x50 pixels can) the contents of a sprite sheet or background. This was a pretty huge undertaking so I want to give some serious props to everyone who helped me out with it: Tajiri Ami, Harsh29, Pie Guy, Belial, and especially xdonthave1xx, who made hundreds and hundreds of these things out of what I can only assume is pure kindness (also awesomeness). And anyone else who made even a small amount. LOVE YOU GUYS.

Just so you know, this feature uses a cookie to track your preference so obviously you'll have to have cookies enabled. You can set all pages to load with text or icons by default. The cookie contains literally nothing more than one character so don't worry about it. If you have any problems or see any errors, please report them immediately...I tested it pretty thorougly but on the other hand, I am an idiot. Let me know what you think, and enjoy!

New files: 12
Ta-Keed's Magicians
Bio Planet
Ice Planet
Jungle Planet
Ocean Planet
Enemies (Blue Labyrinth)
Enemies (Blue Spire)
Blue Spire Garden
Characters & Miscellaneous
Mexico Team's Stage